WHITEHAVEN RL's board of directors has thanked outgoing CEO Barry Morgan for his service to the club. 

Mr Morgan announced this week that he would be stepping down from his role due to health issues and family commitments. 

In a statement released earlier this week, Mr Morgan said that it was with 'a heavy heart' that he had decided to step down from the role. 

He also explained that there were increasing demands on the club to generate income outside of games which have 'taken their toll.'

Mr Morgan said that he will continue to help out around the ground but not as part of the Board of Directors. 

He added: "A younger person with a fresh set of legs is what this great club needs to move it forward.

"I leave this club having reduced with assistance of these great BoD’s, numerous debts from when I joined the club May 2023 to give this club a fighting chance at survival in this ever-increasing difficult championship."

The board of directors has released the following statement: "The BoD would like to put on record its gratitude and appreciation to outgoing CEO Barry Morgan. 

"Barry led the club through some of its most difficult times, reducing its HMRC liability down to zero and bringing commercial business back to the club in the off-season, offering the club's facilities for work events and conferences. 

"Barry will always be available to support the club, but not as CEO. We wish him well in prioritising his health and well-being. 

"Given the changes at the club, the BoD would welcome any interest from individuals who would like to join or support the BoD in a number of areas. 

"If anyone would like an informal chat to discuss how they can help, please contact Grant Taylor on 07972808580."