A CASUALTY was taken to hospital after 'falling and sustaining injuries' on a West Cumbrian beach - with rescuers praising the multi-agency teamwork from those who attended the scene.

On Saturday, October 26 rescue teams were called out to an injured walker on St Bees beach, with the injured casualty being taken to hospital following the incident.

A spokesman for Whitehaven Coastguard Rescue Team said: "On Saturday, our team responded alongside St Bees RNLI and Maryport Coastguard Rescue Team to assist a casualty who had fallen and sustained injuries on the beach just south of the lifeboat station.

"With the lifeboat crew already on scene, our Coastguard Rescue Officers assisted in making the casualty comfortable and transporting them from the beach to the warmth of the lifeboat station, where they awaited further care from North West Ambulance Service (NWAS).

"We extend our thanks to St Bees RNLI for their support and wish the casualty a smooth recovery.

"This callout highlights the importance of multi-agency teamwork, combining skills from both Lifeboat and Coastguard Teams to ensure a swift response. If you see an incident on the beach or along the coast, call 999 and ask for the Coastguard."