A community update has been given on the 'transformational' Cleator Moor projects.

Plans for Cleator Moor are being shared with residents, community groups, and businesses.

The Cleator Moor Town Deal has secured an award of £22.5 million from the Government's Towns Fund, as well as an additional £18.4 million from match funders.

This funding is seen as a 'once-in-a-generation opportunity' to improve the town and make a lasting impact on residents' lives.

The Town Deal consists of four projects, all of which are 'making progress.'

The first project, Enterprising Town, involves developing an enterprise campus on the Leconfield Industrial Estate.

This project aims to harness the economic growth potential of the Sellafield supply chain.

The Innovation Solutions Hub (iSH) Enterprise Campus is a £50 million economic regeneration initiative led by Cumberland Council.

The project has received funding and support from the Government through Town Deal and Levelling Up programmes, and other strategic partners.

Design work is underway, and enabling works are set to begin in early 2025.

The second project, Revitalised Town, aims to increase activity and footfall around the Town Square.

This will be achieved by bringing vacant and under-utilised buildings back into use and creating an 'attractive new public realm.'

A new cultural community hub and enhanced business space are part of these plans.

The Cleator Moor Community Hub will house the library and currently empty old council offices.

The two existing buildings will be joined by a new annexe that will house a café.

Public realm works will see improvements to the Town Square.

The third project, Healthy Town, aims to enhance existing sports and leisure provision and provide a modern multi-purpose centre.

This will include an indoor sports hall, flexible studio space, gym, and café, alongside wider health and well-being provision and targeted youth activity.

The project is fully designed, and construction is set to begin in January 2025, subject to planning approval expected late November 2024.

Construction will take one year to complete.

While the works are ongoing, the council and GLL will continue to operate the external all-weather pitch.

The new facility will house a new multi-functional four-court sports hall, fitness suite, group exercise studio, and a new home for COSC, who will relocate from the town centre to the new facility.

The final project, Connected Town, will deliver an 'integrated and sustainable' transport network.

This aims to improve connections between employment, education, amenities, and leisure which will transform the accessibility and attractiveness of Cleator Moor.

A public engagement event on the plans was held during the summer, and works are programmed to start in spring 2025.

Bob Metcalfe, chair of the Cleator Moor Town Deal Board, said: "Progress is being made on all four of our Town Deal projects.

"Lots of work is going on behind the scenes to deliver them.

"Timelines are in place and a team is in place to drive forward the plans."

For more information on the Cleator Moor Town Deal, visit cleatormoortowndeal.org.uk.