A Cumbria primary school has retained its good Ofsted rating.

Moor Row Community Primary School was inspected in June, with the report praising the school for its high-quality curriculum and supportive environment.

The Ofsted report said: "Pupils are happy to attend this warm and welcoming school.

"Staff provide effective support for pupils’ mental health and well-being."

The school was also commended for having "high expectations for pupils' academic success" and for fostering "pupils’ curiosity and concentration from the very start of the early years".

The report said: "Pupils appreciate, and respect, the many differences that exist between people in society.

"Pupils benefit from a wide variety of clubs and trips, which broaden their experiences, such as visits to local cities and places of worship."

The school was recognised for its swift and accurate identification of additional needs of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

The report said: "These pupils build positive relationships with others and achieve well."

The teaching of reading was highlighted as a priority at the school, with most pupils, including those with SEND, being fluent readers by the end of Key Stage 1.

The report said: "Pupils demonstrate a love of reading."

The school was also noted for its good behaviour, with pupils staying focused on their learning and demonstrating good manners and respect towards staff and others outside of lessons.

The report said: "The school ensures that pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain."

Jacqui Beavis, headteacher, said: "We are delighted with the outcome of the inspection and the positive recognition of the wider aspect of school life within the report.

"The fact that our children say they enjoy attending our warm and welcoming school and that we meet their needs through a caring and nurturing approach is the greatest recognition we could get."