A WEST Cumbrian MP received over £70,000 in donations during his general election campaign - as the local party say the many contributions went to his 'very active, energetic and visible' campaign to be elected.

Recent financial disclosures, registered in late July 2024, show the financial support provided by individuals and organisations for all the UK’s MPs.

The Whitehaven and Workington Labour Party have said that the £71,000 given to the new MP between July 2023, and May 2024 were used to run the 'very active, energetic and visible campaign' to win the new seat.

Donations are often given to MP's during political campaigns to produce leaflets, print letters and carry out campaigning on social media.

The MP received donations from the Labour affiliated unions Community Union, the GMB Union and Labour Party think tank Labour Together Limited, as well as a number of private donors- including Gary Lubner, the owner of the company behind Autoglass and Cumbrian member of the House of Lords Roger Liddle .

A spokesperson for Whitehaven and Workington Labour Party said: “All political parties and candidates for public office seek and receive donations in order to run their election campaigns and we ran a very active, energetic and visible campaign to win back Whitehaven and Workington from the Tories.

“That campaign cost money - to print letters and leaflets, run a campaign office, promote our campaign messages on social media and host events.

"We were delighted to receive a range of large and small donations from individuals and trade unions to support our campaign for change.

“All donations were received, spent and declared in line with the rules.”

Penrith and Solway MP Markus Campbell-Savours has declared receiving £15,000 during his election campaign for office.

This included £10,000 from the Labour Party affiliated union Unite and £5,000 from Labour Together Ltd.

Julie Minns, the new Labour MP for Carlisle received £20,000 in donations, including £5,000 from Labour Together, and £15,000 from one of the parties most major donors Gary Lubner.

Ms Minns said: "These were donations to Carlisle Labour Party to fund general election campaign costs including the printing of leaflets and posters, and declared in line with the rules set by the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards."