AN 85-year-old man will take on a challenge cycling the height of a volcano in Hawaii. 

Gerard McCarten, of Whitehaven, will not leave his hometown for the challenge and will cycle a route around the area of Jericho School at Hensingham. 

Gerard will cycle the height of an inactive volcano in Hawaii called Mauna Kea. In native Hawaiian tradition and prayers, Mauna Kea is known as Mauna a Wakea, “The Mountain of Wakea”. 

Mount Everest is the highest point on Earth but when measured from base to peak Mauna Kea is taller than Everest by more than one kilometre, though more than half of the inactive volcano is under water. 

The challenge will take place on October 1, 2024. 

Mr McCarten said: "I hope to raise awareness of a rare eye condition called Sorsby Fundus Dystrophy (SFD).  

"SFD causes similar symptoms to age-related macular degeneration (AMD) but it generally affects people at a younger age.

"It was this condition that my wife Margaret became aware of when in her forties."

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"To honour the first anniversary of Margaret’s death, October 9, 2023, I will dedicate the whole of October to the memory of Margaret in my attempt to reach the height of the world’s tallest mountain, Mauna Kea, Hawaii which stands tall at 10,205 metres (33,500 feet). 

"I hope to attain his target of 10,205 m by riding a total of 1,737 circuits on Balmoral Road. On each circuit, I will attain a height of 5.875 metres. 

"I am delighted with the level of support his project is receiving from his two friends, the Macular Society, Jericho Primary School, Whitehaven, Myers and Bowman Toyota, Workington and my friends and family."

Since 1987 the Macular Society has invested around £10 million in over 100 research projects.

Gerard hopes he can make a positive contribution by raising awareness of this very rare genetic eye condition and possibly raise contributions to further assist the ongoing research work. 

READ MORE: 84-year-old Whitehaven man takes on cycling charity challenge

Staff and pupils from Jericho School will be there to support Gerard with his journey. 

He will also be supported by his cycling friends Ged Brear and Mike Cowley. 

Donations will be taken through a Just Giving page.