More than 22 tonnes of waste was collected at community events this summer.

The five events, under Operation Respect, were held across Cumberland and were led by Local Focus Hubs, aiming to foster 'community cohesion'.

They also served as opportunities for community clean-up, expert advice, exercise, activities, food, and interaction with organisations that help to keep Cumberland safe.

The event in Beck Green (Image: Cumberland Council) Cumberland Council's director of public health and communities, Colin Cox, said: "Hundreds of people attended these events.

"They told us they were able to access services and really appreciated the opportunity to get together, spruce up the area, and enjoy a great free day out.

"We’d like to thank the housing agencies, and all the partners who came together to make it a success."

In Harriston, the community came together (Image: Cumberland Council) Waste agencies collected larger items to prevent potential fly-tipping.

At some events, vulnerable residents’ gardens were cleared.

Dozens of bags of litter were collected and 22.4 tonnes of waste were taken away across the five events.

22.4 tonnes of waste was collected (Image: Cumberland Council) The events were held in Harriston (Aspatria), Westfield (Workington), Beck Green (Egremont), Mirehouse (Whitehaven), and Raffles (Carlisle).

Each session was led by a housing provider - Castles and Coasts, Westfield Housing Association, Home Group, and Riverside, and coordinated by Copeland Local Focus Hub, Carlisle Local Focus Hub, or Allerdale Local Focus Hub.

The Operation Respect events encouraged residents to talk to the police, council, social landlords, and others about their neighbourhood concerns.

The events were held across Cumberland (Image: Cumberland Council) Cumberland Basic Command Unit neighbourhood policing chief, Inspector Richard Smillie, said: "We were pleased to have been able to support this summer’s Operation Respect events.

"This was a chance for neighbourhood policing teams to visit local areas, speak to our communities and see the issues the community are facing and address them with our partners.

"We take a partnership approach to tackle issues within our communities and work closely with organisations both within and outside of the local focus hubs to address them."