FIREFIGHTERS from Sellafield will be walking a ten-mile route to raise money for Cancer Research UK. 

Some of the team have been directly affected by cancer so this is a cause that is close to their hearts. 

The walk will take place on September 14. 

Elliott Ennis-Wood, one of the firefighters, said: "Myself and other Firefighters along with some family and friends will be walking the 10-mile route around Derwentwater wearing fire kits and carrying breathing apparatus equipment.

"We are doing it to aid Cancer Research UK, specifically bowel cancer. My family has been directly affected as has the family of another firefighter. Since I started talking about how cancer has affected my family you soon realise how many other families are also affected by this horrible disease.

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"We are raising money for further research and also trying to raise awareness of early detection and doing the testing kit if people have had it delivered to their home.

"My mother-in-law had bowel cancer which had no symptoms. With early detection and treatment, she is now fully cancer-free all thanks to early detection.

"We just want to raise more awareness among as many people as possible and hopefully free them of this horrible disease."