An activities centre for adults with disabilities in Cleator Moor has been receiving weekly deliveries of surplus food from a food waste charity.

The deliveries from FareShare Lancashire and Cumbria are part of the Kinder Kind of Kitchen initiative to help reduce Cumberland Occupational and Social Centre's costs, stop food waste, and provide tasty meals for its clients.

Mandy Shaw, a service user of almost seven years, uses the delivered oats to make a flapjack recipe that is a customer favourite.

She said: “I like to make flapjack with the oats that come with our delivery from FareShare Lancashire and Cumbria.

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“I make it so we have pudding after our healthy lunch.

“All of the members of Cumberland Occupational & Social Centre enjoy our puddings.”

Ms Shaw and others contributed recipes to The Kinder Cookbook, which is a fruit of a community initiative against food poverty led by The Cumberland, in partnership with FareShare Lancashire and Cumbria, and FareShare Glasgow and the West of Scotland.

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The Kinder Cookbook is a feel-good outcome of the initiative, commemorating the impact of sharing food among communities in Cumbria.

Des Moore, chief executive of The Cumberland, said: “The Kinder Cookbook is a testament to the power of kindness. Kindness is in our nature at The Cumberland. It shapes everything we do.

“The Kinder Cookbook tells this story and celebrates the way sharing food can bring people together in challenging circumstances.”