FOR this Nostalgia edition we wanted to take a look at Cleator Moor Sports.

This event was held on an annual basis for decades in Cleator Moor, showcasing the athletic talents of people in the town.

The sports day attracted tens of thousands of people to Cleator Moor during the month of July and it was held at Red Beck Park Sports Field.

The events held throughout the day contained a variety of activities, from an 800m race, a puppy hound trail, a fell running race, and a road cycle race.

It was supported by a number of local businesses, and organised with help from the Cumbria Boys and Girls Amateur Footracing Association, the Hound Trailing Association, and the Cumberland and Westmorland Wrestling Association.

The first sports day was held in 1945, and it came to an end in 2009. As the years progressed, fewer people began attending the event, and poor weather lead to financial loss for the organisers.

At the time of Cleator Moor Sports demise, Sports Secretary Elwyn Evans, said: ""It is very sad to see its demise. Some of the committee are aged 75 years and have been on since its inception. Despite requests we have had no fresh blood coming forward for the committee."

"The general paying public were just not coming through the gate and the weather was often not a good thing. A lot has gone by the wayside as a result of the weather. Since the demise of foot racing it has slowly gone downhill, along with many other events of that type."

These photos show how people enjoyed Cleator Moor Sports over the years. We hope that they bring back some fond memories for some of you.