Hundreds of Whitehaven residents enjoyed free family entertainment at Cumberland Council's Health and Wellbeing Festival.

The festival, hosted by the council's social prescribing team, was held at The Recreation Ground on Friday, August 16.

It featured crafts, attractions, sporting activities, and expert advice on health, wellbeing, and family issues.

More than 1,500 people attended, with around 600 children benefitting from free food and ice cream.

Almost 70 organisations were present, offering 17 different activities, all at no cost to families.

Butterfly street performers at the eventButterfly street performers at the event (Image: Supplied)

Cllr Lisa Brown, Cumberland's deputy leader and portfolio holder for adults and community health, said: "This event is now in its fourth year and it's always been a great success.

"I'm delighted we've again been able to offer a festival that supports our core priority – the health and wellbeing of residents."

Uniformed services were present to meet the crowds, and visitors enjoyed a colour run with Marathon Man Gary McKee, bouncy castles, a climbing wall, face painting, drumming sessions, and craft activities.

Advisors provided assistance with issues such as loneliness, mental health, financial hardship, and benefits.

The festival was sponsored by the Box Encapsulation Plant (BEP) project at Sellafield.

Catherine Melvin, project wellbeing advisor at BEP, said: "From start to finish, there was a buzz of electricity around the event.

"From the moment the gates opened until the last stragglers begrudgingly left, there was the non-stop sound of children’s’ laughter as families played together in the beautiful August sunshine - which we ordered in especially."

The social prescribing project is funded by Sellafield Ltd’s Social Impact Multiplied fund and the Copeland Community Fund.

Other event partners included Rosehill, the Copeland Wellness Service and Active Cumbria.

Social prescribing helps people improve their health and wellbeing by connecting them with community groups, activities or services.

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