A NEW board created to drive forward the regeneration of Whitehaven town centre has met and agreed a plan of action.

The board, set up by Whitehaven & Workington MP Josh MacAlister, is made up of two dozen local political, business and community leaders.

Board members include Cllr Emma Williamson, deputy leader of Cumberland Council; David Allen, Cumbria’s police, fire and crime commissioner; Marie Dixon of Dixon’s Department Store; Michael Pemberton, CEO of BEC; and Deanne Shallcross, CEO of Whitehaven Harbour Commissioners.

Updates were received about ongoing projects that will deliver improvements, such as the Edge and the new digital and gaming hub, and the year-round programme of events delivered at the harbour and the market.

The police, fire and crime commissioner committed to an increased police presence thanks to new funding to address anti-social behaviour hotspots.

Members of the board discussed ways to bring empty properties back into use, attract more independent retail and food-led businesses, the need to review parking arrangements, improve amenities and make the town centre safer.

Sub-groups will focus on tackling the issue of empty shops and exploring models of business-led town centre management that have worked elsewhere.

Cumberland Council agreed to develop a new masterplan and members of the group will be involved in shaping it at every stage of development. It is expected that expert consultants will be appointed early in the autumn to pull together the plan prior to public consultation.

Mr MacAlister said: “Whitehaven is a town with great potential and it is full of passionate people with great ideas to lift the town up and deliver a brighter future. I met hundreds of them during the election campaign.

“Too many times in the past ideas have been shared and plans have been developed that have then led nowhere. People are fed up with being let down and I share their frustration.

"This new board aims to harness the energy, passion and ideas of people across the town, get everyone pulling in the same direction, and then drive forward the delivery of a new plan.

“I am committed to seeing this through and making Whitehaven the even more brilliant town we all want it to be.”

The board was a commitment made by Josh at a public meeting held in Whitehaven before the election which was attended by 150 residents and businesses. A further public meeting will be held later in the year to update residents on progress.