A SOUTERGATE skull is now on display at The Beacon. 

The remains, which were found by a walker in Cumbria, are now on display at the Whitehaven museum. 

In a post on social media, The Beacon wrote: "If you visit the third floor of the museum you will see the Soutergate Skull. Discovered by a dog walker on the banks of the Furness peninsula by a dog walker and their dog, Bramble, this skull is likely to date between 200AD-260AD or 270AD-340AD.

"Over the past year, the Facelab team from Liverpool John Moore's University has used a mixture of techniques to make a model of the face, adding muscles, skin, and other details.

"On August 14 the Facelab team will be visiting The Beacon Museum to demonstrate these techniques and show how both old and new technologies help us to see how people from long ago might have looked.

"No booking required, included with Museum Admission."