CHINESE youngsters have experienced what life is like in a west Cumbrian village.

60 students from Huangguang Middle School in China have been staying at St Bees School as part of a summer holiday programme.

Students created beach art at St Bees beach during their visitStudents created beach art at St Bees beach during their visit (Image: Submitted)

During their visit, the 13 and 14-year-olds took part in a game of football with Whitehaven AFC, a sandcastle competition at St Bees beach and a formal dinner at St Bees School.

They were also given classes in English, science, art, cookery and a range of sports were also on offer at the school.

Chinese students with players from Whitehaven AFCChinese students with players from Whitehaven AFC (Image: Submitted)

It was the second time the school had taken part in the programme with a partner school in China, following a visit with a smaller group of students in the winter.

A highlight of the week was a training session at Whitehaven AFC’s facilities, an experience they found immensely enjoyable.

Players from Whitehaven AFC formed a guard of honour as Chinese students arrived to play a game of footballPlayers from Whitehaven AFC formed a guard of honour as Chinese students arrived to play a game of football (Image: Submitted)

David Norbury, the finance manager at St Bees School, said: “They really enjoyed it. It was absolutely fantastic. It was such a great experience for them – to have the opportunity to train and be a part of an amateur side.

“They enjoyed it that much, they asked if they could go back and have a game of football but mix up the teams.

Chinese students enjoyed a visit to St Bees beachChinese students enjoyed a visit to St Bees beach (Image: Submitted)

“They arranged a mixed game and we went back down with all 60 of them. It was just a wonderful experience.”

Mr Norbury thanked Luke Johnson, Paul Smith, and Dave Hodgson of Whitehaven AFC for orchestrating such a memorable event for the students.

Chinese students explore St Bees beachChinese students explore St Bees beach (Image: Submitted)

He added: “They loved the beach. It was just really good fun. It’s been an absolutely fantastic week. They’ve done loads of activities at the school. It’s gone down really well.

“It’s been a really fun week. They didn’t want to go so it seemed like it went really well. Long may it continue.”