A DRUNK man who shouted ‘baldy’ at a police officer was slammed by magistrates for his ‘extremely rude’ and ‘immature’ ‘behaviour.

Police were on duty in Whitehaven on July 6 when they noticed a group of ‘rowdy’ young men outside the Easy Shop on Lowther Street, Workington Magistrates’ Court heard.

Pamela Fee, prosecuting, told the court that a Kurdish family had taken over the shop and they had had issues previously.

Jordan Ryan, 20, was ‘slumped’ on the floor outside. He called the police officer a ‘bald ****’. The officer warned Ryan about his conduct. One of his friends had shouted over that ‘it wasn’t an offence to be drunk’.

The officer started to walk away when he heard the defendant continue to shout ‘baldy’ at him. He was gesticulating while his friends held him back. He called the officer a ‘little **** stain’.

Ryan, of Greystone Place, Cleator Moor, pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly in a public place.

The defendant, who was not legally represented, told magistrates: “I was just drunk.”

Passing sentence, Thomas Ryan, chair of the magistrates’ panel, said: “It was clearly extremely rude, immature behaviour.”

Ryan was fined £209 and was ordered to pay £85 costs