CHURCHES across Whitehaven held a Songs of Praise service in the town centre. 

The special hymn service was held on Sunday, July 21, at St Nicholas Gardens on Lowther Street. 

Just over a hundred people turned out for the Songs of Praise event. The service was organised by Whitehaven Mission Community.

Churchgoers enjoy the service Churchgoers enjoy the service (Image: Supplied)

Reverend Alison Dobell, of the Parish of Whitehaven, said: "Despite the grey skies the weather held. Everyone enjoyed singing some of their favourite hymns, chosen by a member of each church, including How Great Thou Art and Shine Jesus Shine, and hearing why the hymns were so important to them.

"The Salvation Army Youth Team led the congregation in some action songs, which were joined in with enthusiasm, and the afternoon finished with tea and cake.

Members of the audience get involved with action songsMembers of the audience get involved with action songs (Image: Supplied)

"Thank you to all those who came and supported the service and all those who helped in any way."