A SENTENCE date has been set for a Carlisle sex predator who has been convicted of raping a second young man.

At the city’s Crown Court, a judge told 48-year-old child rapist Barrie O’Keefe, who was last month convicted of raping another young man after plying him with drink and drugs, that he is facing a “considerable period of time” in jail.

O’Keefe denied both that second rape and a sexual assault on a 15-year-old boy.

He committed both offences 18-years ago, though he has already been convicted at an earlier trial of raping another 15-year-old boy.

Both trials heard that O’Keefe, formerly of Denton Holme, Carlisle, carried out the attacks after plying his three victims with alcohol and drugs to render them helpless.

Addressing the defendant over a video link from the prison where O’Keefe is being held, Judge Michael Fanning told him that he will be sentenced on Wednesday, September 25.

Before the hearing, the Probation Service will prepare a background report.

This will consider the danger that O’Keefe poses to the public. Judge Fanning told the defendant: “You will appear on September 25.

“You must cooperate with the Probation Services. It will be immediate custody and for a considerable period of time.”

On the day of sentencing, the court will also hear statements from the two victims who triggered the most recent trial.

During the earlier hearing, the judge described the crimes off O’Keefe as “hideous offending.”

Prosecutor Peter Wilson told the jury that the defendant followed a clear method of operating, befriending potential victims through a shared interest in fishing, before getting them alone and plying them with drink and drugs to render them vulnerable.

O’Keefe, who previously walked into the dock on crutches, spoke during the latest hearing only to confirm his personal details. He remains remanded in custody.

In a highly unusual case earlier this year, police went to court to secure a sexual risk order against O'Keefe, telling a district judge that he had been a prime suspect in a number of alleged rapes.

The judge imposed an order that banned the defendant, recently living at Kilmarnock in Scotland, from associating with any "lone male."

READ MORE: Former Carlisle man banned from having contact with 'lone males'

READ MORE: Carlisle rapist Barrie O'Keefe guilty of second rape and sex attack