A MAN has been jailed for breaching the terms of a court order.

The order was designed to stop him from behaving in a criminal manner – after being found drunk in public.

Mark Clark, 53, was made the subject of a three-year Criminal Behaviour Order in June following work by the Copeland Neighbourhood Policing Team and crown prosecutors.

Clark, of no fixed address, was told at North and West Cumbria Magistrates’ Court at the time that he must comply with a string of restrictions.

These included not entering certain shops, not carrying open alcohol in a public place and not being drunk in public.

But Clark breached the order twice in July, when he was drunk in public on George Street and Scotch Street, Whitehaven.

He appeared before Workington's magistrates' court where he admitted two breaches of the order.

Inspector Richard Smillie, speaking after the sentencing, said: “Orders such as those imposed on Clark are intended to protect the community and businesses.

“Once he breaks an order such as this it immediately puts him at risk of a custodial sentence – and being taken off our streets.

“He breached this and thanks to the work of the Crown Prosecution Service and the Neighbourhood Policing Team he is now in prison.

“We will continue to work to protect the community from people such as Clark.”