A BACKGROUND report is to be prepared about a former Whitehaven man who subjected his partner to “controlling and coercive” behaviour.

During a short hearing, Iain Tallo, 42, who now lives at Trinity Buildings, Carlisle, pleaded guilty to the offence shortly before he was due to face a trial at the city’s Rickergate Court.

He will be sentenced on August 1.

The court heard that the defendant committed the offence between January 1 and March 27 this year.

The wording of the charge states that he “repeatedly or continuously engaged in behaviour which was controlling or coercive, namely assault, verballing abusing and threatening the victim along with damaging property.”

At the time, the court heard, the victim was Tallo’s partner, and he knew, or ought to have known, that his behaviour would have a serious effect on her.

Ordering a pre-sentence report from the Probation Service, the presiding magistrate told Tallo: “We will leave all sentencing options open.” The defendant was granted conditional bail.

The conditions include a ban on Tallo going to Plumpton, near Penrith and a ban on contacting the victim by any means. From the dock of the court, the defendant said: “I’m under the mental health team in in supported housing.”

Tallo gave a former address of Lowther Street, Whitehaven.  He was represented in court by defence lawyer Jeff Smith.