WHITEHAVEN Coastguard hosted a multiagency event at Haig Pit. 

This involved a training exercise and networking with other emergency service teams in the area. 

The aim was to 'showcase the capabilities' of the coastguard team. They explain that these types of events help us to improve our interoperability and ultimately public safety.

Whitehaven News: The team speaks with other agencies The team speaks with other agencies (Image: Whitehaven Coastguard)

Steve Hart, senior coastal operations officer for HM Coastguard said: "The objective of this exercise was to provide an opportunity for partner emergency service agencies to gain insight into the capabilities of HM Coastguard. 

"It aimed to foster collaboration, improve communication, and promote a better understanding of the resources and expertise we have available. 

"This exercise has hopefully helped establish stronger working relationships and enhanced preparedness for future joint emergency response efforts."

Whitehaven News: A training exercise takes place A training exercise takes place (Image: Whitehaven Coastguard)

The Whitehaven Coastguard team thanked several agencies for attending the event. 

Some of these included Cumbria Police, Cumbria Fire and Rescue, and the Lake District Search And Mountain Rescue Association. 

Whitehaven News: A training exercise takes place A training exercise takes place (Image: Whitehaven Coastguard)

Nathan Major, station officer for Whitehaven Coastguard Rescue Team added: "In their time of need, the residents of Cumbria, along with visiting tourists, are fortunate to benefit from having a variety of professional rescue services available. 

"Regardless of what uniform we wear, we are all connected with one common goal - that is to strive to do our best to help the public in their time of need. 

Whitehaven News: The coastguard team takes part in trainingThe coastguard team takes part in training (Image: Whitehaven Coastguard)

"That's why collaborative working, and events of this nature are vitally important, to ensure we remain connected and look to improve our operational responses to search and rescue."