CROWDS flocked to Whitehaven town centre this week to enjoy the Traders Markets. 

The star of the show was undoubtedly Dreygo the Smoke-Breathing Dragon accompanied by Merlin the Wizard. 

The markets took place on Thursday, May 30, at St Nicholas' Gardens with a range of food and crafts on offer. 

Marlene Jewell, the Town Council clerk, said: "The markets have been really good and there's been a lot of people going in the marquees. 

"Dreygo the Dragon has been an instant hit, the kids loved him and he walked all around the gardens followed by the children and led by Merlin the Wizard. 

Whitehaven News: Dreygo walks around the markets Dreygo walks around the markets (Image: Newsquest)

"Merlin the Wizard was great with the kids too, I'm looking forward to the next two performances. Fantastic."

Gerard Richardson, who helped to organise the event, said: "It's the first of our summer markets, we're always worried about how it will be received but this has gone down a treat. 

"Dreygo the Dragon has been an absolute hit. I remember the first time we brought Titan the Robot to Whitehaven you could feel the buzz, it was the same with this. The dragon looked real, it's almost like a skin like quality. 

Whitehaven News: Traders Markets at St Nicholas Gardens Traders Markets at St Nicholas Gardens (Image: Newsquest)

"It's been wonderful watching the kids and it's done the traders the world of good because there's been some great crowds at the market this morning."

The markets will continue on a monthly basis throughout the summer, returning once more with a Christmas theme in December.