A COMMUNITY group hoping to buy the pub which has been 'at the heart of their village' for almost 200 years has appealed for the publics help with the final 'push on' to reach their target.

The Miners Arms, Nenthead, Cumbria has been at the heart of the village for generations, first opening its doors nearly 200 years ago. It closed in 2020 and has not reopened, it is now for sale.

Residents of Nenthead came together and formed a Community Benefit Society known as the Miners Arms Community Pub Ltd (MACPL).

The residents of Nenthead are set to hear if they will receive a Government’s Community Ownership Fund (COF) grant for over £360,000, which is expected this month.

After raising over two thirds of the funds needed to buy the pub around £60,000, the group is hoping to encourage people to invest in this fantastic community project.

Since launching last year, they have had pledges from both across England and the rest of the world, with people investing from countries such as Austria and Hungary, with 64,300 worth of shares being sold to date.

The group are now hoping to 'push towards their final target' and raise the last third of funds needed for the community buy out.

Simon Walker Chair of the Miners Arms Community Pub Ltd said: “The response so far has been fantastic with over 130 people from all four corners of the UK and as far afield as Australia and Hungary investing in our villages vision of getting the Miners open again.

"Our supporters have already bought over £64,000 of shares in just two weeks, but we now need to push on towards our final target.

"They are still pledges that have not been honoured which we need turning into cash, but shares can be bought by anyone from anywhere not just by those that pledged, please don’t delay invest today.”

A justgiving page has been established where you can buy the Miners a pint to raise funds for initial project costs such as setting up the share offer. Pledges in principle can be made at www.minersarmsnenthead.com