THE clerk and chairman of a troubled parish council have resigned – as the row over a drainage pond created without planning permission continues.

Becx Carter, temporary locum clerk for Moresby Parish Council, has quit the role, saying she was put in a situation that “may have risked her professional reputation”.

Chairman Nick Troughton has also stepped down, following a number of heated council meetings over the drainage pond, which was created by two former parish councillors.

Kyle and Ian Thornley, who resigned last month, claim the eight-foot deep hole next to Moresby play park was dug to drain water from the nearby allotments.

Prior to the clerk and chairman resigning, the council had been in the process of obtaining quotes to have the pond fenced off due to safety fears.

Ms Carter said: “As a professional Parish Clerk working as Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) to many Parish Councils across Cumbria, I stepped in to try and assist Moresby Parish Council as a temporary locum clerk and RFO from January 1, 2023.

“I did everything I could within my knowledge, experience and qualifications to try and help Moresby Parish Council out of the situation it had found itself in.

“However I found myself being put in a situation that may have risked my professional reputation and as such I had to resign effective as of the April 24, 2023."

At an extraordinary meeting of Moresby Parish Council held last week, members accepted Mr Troughton’s resignation and appointed Mark Casson as interim chairman.

Councillors also agreed to apply for another interim clerk and to recruit for a permanent clerk.

Mr Troughton was approached for comment by The Whitehaven News.