LONG-SERVING councillors have been recognised for their years of service at the final meeting of Copeland Council.

Councillors, dignitaries and family members gathered at the Copeland Centre to watch the council bestow the title of honorary Alderman or honorary Alderwoman to councillors who have given good service to the authority, which is being abolished.

Among those to be recognised is Elaine Woodburn MBE, who served on Copeland Council for 20 years. Her mother Margaret Woodburn, who was a Copeland councillor for 30 years, was also a made an Alderwoman in 2011.

Ms Woodburn said: “It’s a nice reward for 20 years’ service and it was nice my mam was awarded one as well. It’s nice to keep it in the family. I will hold it in as equally high esteem as my MBE.”

Mike McVeigh, who has served on Copeland Council for 24 years, has been made an Alderman of the borough.

He said: “It’s nice after so many years to be given some acknowledgement and I will hopefully be attending the Cumberland meetings in my capacity as an Alderman and see how it works. I look forward to attending meetings as an observer rather than being in the firing line!”

Joan Hully, who has been a Copeland councillor for 28 years, has also been given the honour of Alderwoman of the borough.

She said: “I want to dedicate it to the people of Cleator Moor and Copeland, who I have been proud to represent for the last 28 years. Also the officers and all the back staff.”

The full list of councillors who have been recognised and how long they have served is:  

  • Yvonne Clarkson (32 years)
  • Peter Connolly (38 years)
  • Brian Dixon (16 years)
  • Mike Graham (12 years)
  • Keith Hitchen (20 years)
  • Allan Holliday (36 years)
  • Joan Hully (28 years)
  • Michael McVeigh (24 years)
  • David Moore (36 years)
  • Graham Sunderland (28 years)
  • Peter Tyson (22 years)
  • Elaine Woodburn (20 years)

Copeland Council will cease to exist after 49 years on April 1 when the new Cumberland Council officially takes over responsibility for all services.

Cumberland Council will cover the area currently served by Carlisle City Council, Allerdale Borough Council, Copeland Borough Council and Cumbria County Council.