A SHOPLIFTER who stole Jack Daniels and meat has been ordered to pay compensation to the supermarket he stole from.

Jamie Harvey, 34, entered Tesco in Millom on December 29, Workington Magistrates’ Court heard.

He took £81 worth of Jack Daniels and meat and then left the store, making no attempt to pay.

Pamela Fee, prosecuting, said the store manager knew the defendant and recognised him from the CCTV.

Harvey, of Hope Street, Millom, pleaded guilty to theft from a shop.

Mike Woolaghan, defending, said: “It’s relatively straightforward. The defendant tells me he has got very little recollection of the incident.

“He accepts the evidence is against him and pleads guilty at the earliest opportunity.

“He told me he has had a really difficult 12 months.

“He had consumed an excessive amount of alcohol, although it doesn’t play an active part in his life.”

Harvey was fined £40 and ordered to pay £85 costs and a £16 victim surcharge. He must pay £81 in compensation to Tesco.

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