COPELAND MP Trudy Harrison is backing the launch of a new trauma support service formed in Whitehaven.

The Making Everyone Equal (MEE) centre has been created to offer free support for anyone aged 17 and over, who has experienced complexity of trauma in their lives which impacts on their vulnerability and recovery.

The team offers specialist advice and support and works with a range of organisations to enable individuals to find appropriate and sustainable recovery pathways. The team accepts self-referrals and professional referrals, and phone support can also be accessed.

Mrs Harrison met with the MEE team last year while they were in the planning stages of the project, and visited last week to see the facilities and speak with the team at their newly-opened centre.

Mrs Harrison said: “I was pleased to meet with the team again, and to see how this project has quickly developed from an idea into a fully functioning new trauma support service.

“The work the team does in assisting people who have suffered trauma is commendable, and the passion they have to help people shines through.”

Those eligible for support are individuals who have experienced the diversity of trauma over their life which impacts on their health and well-being. This support can also be extended to family members.  As a voluntary organisation, MEE’s support reaches the most vulnerable individuals who may have had difficulty engaging with other services within the community.

Support services are provided by a team of specially trained trauma informed practitioners. Services include face-to-face or telephone support, individual and group sessions, and some of the psycho-educational courses provided include:

- B2B (Bump 2 Baby); a bespoke ante/postnatal programme targeted at the most vulnerable and developed around presenting needs to mothers/parents and caregivers.

- The Hope to Recovery; a program to support those who are still within - or have been in - a domestic violence/abusive/coercive controlling situation.

- Me, Myself and I; a self-development course that promotes self-esteem/confidence building, development of positive coping strategies, emotional well-being and self-care following experiences of trauma.  

MEE’s Rebecca Todd said: “I would like to offer a huge thank you to Trudy for all the support she has offered over the last six months, and for taking time to come and see our progression since our last meeting.

“I am truly humbled to be working alongside an amazing board of directors and our award-winning, dedicated team, who share the same passion and vision as myself to be a tiny cog in supporting individuals across our community with their journey towards recovery.”

MEE’s Aishea Drysder added: “We as a team and individually are very passionate about the development and continuance of support services. It’s humbling and a true privilege to continue to offer bespoke support, empowerment, and voice to the most vulnerable within our local communities.

“I am focused on delivering specialised support in collaboration with a multi-agency approach, building a person-centred, sustainable foundation of engagement and recovery.”

The service is also seeking funding to assist its development. To access its services or make referrals, or to support MEE with funding, visit or telephone 07767025328. Referrals can also be made via The Joy App (