AN off-duty doorman headbutted a man who had been ejected from a club, causing him to fall back into the road.

The incident took place outside Club 135 at 1.40am on September 18, Workington Magistrates’ Court heard.

Alan Sim, 49 had been working as a member of door staff in Workington earlier that evening and was still wearing a badge, although he wasn’t on duty. 

Pamela Fee, prosecuting, said Sim had tried to approach a man who had been ejected from the club. The male was taken across the road by a doorman and they were engaging in conversation.

Ms Fee said Sim had walked across the road, gone up to the male and headbutted him, causing him to fall back onto the road. The victim of the assault could not be identified.

CCTV footage of the incident was shown to the court.

When interviewed by police, Sim confirmed he had an SIA licence to work as door staff. He said he had received training on how to deal with conflict.

Sim said he had been at work in Workington and when he had finished had come to Whitehaven to meet a friend who works as a doorman.

He said he was off-duty but was wearing his uniform and badge. 

Sim said he had been pushed prior to the incident but had not reported this to the police.

During the incident, he said he had caught the male’s teeth on his forehead by accident. He stated the male had been removed by door staff and had been restrained.

When asked why he had confronted the male again, he admitted it was a poor decision and said he didn’t mean to intentionally hurt him.

Mike Woolaghan, defending, said “The defendant has made full and frank admissions. He pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity.

“There was a little bit more going on beforehand. For whatever reason, he has been singled out.

“He wasn’t acting in capacity as a doorman.”

Mr Woolaghan added that the defendant had been out of trouble for 12 years.

Sim, of Coniston Road, Whitehaven, pleaded guilty on November 11 to using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to cause fear of or provoke unlawful violence.

Passing sentence on Monday, Keith Southward, chair of magistrates, said: “Watching that video of the attack wasn’t by any means pleasant.

“This potentially was a very serious offence because of the harm you could have caused with that headbutt.

“It was a nasty attack.”

Magistrates imposed a 12-month community order with 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

Sim was fined £200 and must pay £85 costs and a £114 victim surcharge.

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