TWO Cumbrian charities have teamed up to send refurbished tools to Africa, helping hundreds across the continent.

Tools for Self Reliance, is a registered charity in Carlisle which collects and refurbishes old tools which can be given a new life in another country. TFSR Carlisle and Cockermouth Rotary teamed up to send the replenished tools to Africa.

TFSR contacted the rotary group around twelve months ago to ask if Cockermouth Rotary might collect tools on their behalf.

Cockermouth Rotary said:

"We were happy to agree and the relationship between the two charities has been so successful that we would like to extend the scheme county wide."

Tools for Self Reliance agreed, saying:

"Cockermouth Rotary collect and bring the tools to Carlisle but if we need to collect from them we can do so with the help of the Heathlands Project  (Part of the Laurie Brewis Trust) who lend us a minibus with a tail lift. Another example of one charity assisting another."

TFSR actively receive and collect tools but the Rotary members volunteer to man Table Top Sales, attend car boot events and so on to help in raising funds by selling equipment for Africa thereby supporting the training of the recipients in use of donated tools. 

TFSR said:

"Charities working together is beneficial to each one involved. For TFSR Carlisle that is most certainly the case."

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