THE Covid infection rate for Cumbria has taken a jump in the wrong direction.

Newly-released figures show the Covid-19 infection rate has jumped by nine per cent in a week, up from 1,270 cases to 1,382.

The region with the greatest number of new cases in Cumbria is Allerdale, with an increase of 276, while Eden had overtaken Barrow-in-Furness in having the highest rate of new cases per 100,000 population (at 434).

Children, not visitors, account for most of the increase.

Reader Alan Goodwin feels he knows why there has been an increase: "What lies behind the spike is there are no longer any social distancing controls in place and those that are in the main are ignored .....35k cases a day and 140 deaths a day and it barley makes the news......the government have given up on it, If you die you die is their approach now."

David Thomson feels the virus will be an ongoing fact of life and there is only one way to fight it: "This coronavirus can affect anyone no matter what age and is here to stay. All we can do is get vaccinated and remember hands face space."

Jackie Bennett, however, is dubious about the cause of the rise:

"What exactly is the "EVIDENCE" that local children and not tourists are "responsible" for the rise in infection rates please?"