A charity is raising money to help those who helped them.

Staff and residents at Calderwood House, the Egremont homeless hostel, are riding 1,080 miles from Egremont to Normandy and back to raise money for the hostel and for the West Cumberland Hospital.

They are also honouring former servicemen from their community who would have taken that journey during the war.

Calderwood House founder and director Rachel Holliday said:

"We have some residents who can’t go out as they are shielding and this is a great way for them to get the exercise they desperately need. It’s also humbling that all the staff and residents want to raise money for our local NHS as they see every day now how valuable it is and more so the heroes who work in it. A big thank you to Michael Quirk of ETL Gym for the free loan of the bike!"

Donations to: https://www.goldengiving.com/fundraising/CWH-1080-Mile-Challenge