MATERNITY staff in north Cumbria are continuing to new life safely into the world - despite the huge challenges created by the coronavirus pandemic.

Since the unprecedented public health crisis began, community and hospital midwives - including those at The Cumberland Infirmary in Carlisle and West Cumberland Hospital in Whitehaven - have safely delivered 141babies, while making the experience a positive one for the proud new parents involved.

They are doing this in spite of the national lockdown.

Amanda Kennett, Head of Midwifery at North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, which runs both hospitals, said: “Our midwives are working incredibly hard in supporting the women who come into the maternity wards.

"Even though we are in a very unusual situation, our midwives are still making sure the experience of having a baby is positive because it is such a special time bringing new life into the world.

“We’ve had to change a few things to keep everyone safe but it’s important to make sure expectant mums know their birthing partner can still stay with them and support them during labour. We’ve got a frequently asked questions document to help answer some of most asked questions and mums can access this on their maternity app.

Chris Bird is the trust's Clinical Midwife Manager.

He said: “All of our midwives are doing a brilliant job despite these challenging circumstances.

"Our community midwife teams have had to completely change the way they work and amongst all the work involved in this reorganisation they have also been dealing with a high volume of calls from all our women who they are supporting and counselling in a constantly changing environment with guidance and advice.”

Amanda added: “Whilst having a baby is special and wonderful time, it can feel a bit daunting in times like this where mums might feel more anxious than usual. We’d ask mums to contact their midwife if they have queries at all, we are here to help.

“We know the coronavirus pandemic and the associated social isolation will put huge pressures on families who will remain in a confined space and understand this will be a very stressful time for the parents of new babies.

“Babies will cry and that’s ok, it’s normal.

"Babies start to cry more frequently at between two and eight weeks old and then the crying gets less each week.

"It’s normal not to know why your baby is crying at first, but with time you’ll understand them more, it may be they’re hungry, tired or need their nappy changing. It’s important to use comforting methods to soothe the baby such as singing to the baby or heading for a walk. It’s also ok to walk away if you’ve checked your baby is safe and the crying is getting too much.

"Never shake or hurt your baby this can cause lasting damage.

"If you are worried your baby is unwell services such as 111 and your GP are still available and in an emergency always call 999.

“For expectant mums we’d remind you to monitor the movement of your baby and be aware of kicks and if you notice a difference in your baby’s regular movement you should call your midwife.”

To offer extra support to new and expectant mums, the team of midwives at The Cumberland Infirmary have written a poem.

It reads:

Midwife calling, we’re here for you

Community, delivery suite, all the way through

We know you feel anxious

We too feel the stress

But we’re in it together

And we’ll all do our best.

Sad times we are in, loved ones have been lost

COVID-19 Lockdown, we’ve all felt the cost

New lives are still coming, there’s much to rejoice

You can’t see our smile, but you can still hear our voice

The masks that we wear don’t change what we do

Ladies of Cumbria, we’re still here for you.

So thank you for being so patient and kind

New rules, new ways, new methods we’ll find

We know it is hard but we thank you so much

We promise you’ll still get that personal touch

The colours of the rainbow mean so much to us here

The donations, the gifts and the Thursday night cheer