Councillors tested their bowling skills in a friendly competition against the best of Egremont's bowling team in a game last week.

Egremont town councillors Cllr Steven Bell, Chairman Neil Ferguson, Cllr Graham Calvin, Cllr Tom Higgins, Cllr Mike McVeigh, Cllr Sam Pollen and former councillor Jacqui Smith took part against the bowling club.

With temperatures soaring, the bowling club chairman picked the teams and the game got underway.

Neil Ferguson, Chairman of Egremont Town Council, said: "The competition was fierce, there were missed shots and missed chances.

"The beautiful surroundings inspired the best from everyone but by the end there were no overall winners. Everyone had a lot of fun and enjoyed refreshments at the end."

If anyone is interested in joining the club or having a game of bowls, membership is £3 a day or £35 a year.

Bowls are available to use from the club and all ages and abilities are welcome.