APRIL’S meeting saw the return of Carol Grieves from Brampton, and her theme was “Inspired by...”

She told us her grandson had helped her to cut the foliage so she gave him a blunt pair of scissors because he is only five, and handed him a box to put his cuttings in. At the end of this along he came with his box and to her horror there were a lot of her lovely daffodils! She likes traditional arrangements but is also involved with some contemporary clubs, so she did do a modern design for us. This consisted of phormium leaves, aspidistra leaves, lovely fringed gerberas and roses.

Carol had entered the nationals last year at Edinburgh with a pedestal design. It was her first entry and she was commended. Other flowers used during the demonstration were white spider chrysanthemums, dendrobium orchids, green pom-pom chrysanthemums, stargazer lilies, Bells of Ireland, white heather, yellow roses and alstromeria. The stage was very colourful. One unusual rose she used was called amnesia, it was like an old rose with a hint of brown and lilac – very pretty.

There will be no sales table at the next meeting due to the trip to Westminster to the 50th anniversary of NAFAS. May also sees Alison Lowes’ trip to Chelsea and our competition entry at Holker, so fingers crossed for some good results. Tea, coffee and cakes will be available at the May meeting at a cost of £2 to raise funds for Alison’s trip to Chelsea.