A THIEF helped himself to cash from a rucksack after a woman walked off and left it on a harbourside bench by mistake.

Alan Fleming, 58, took £30 from a purse inside the bag after finding it on Whitehaven Harbour on the evening of July 23.

He admitted theft by finding and possessing a class C drug when he appeared before Workington Magistrates’ Court.

Pamela Fee, prosecuting, said the victim had been sat on a bench near the entrance to Tesco at about 5.45pm. She had a rucksack with her personal belongings in, which included some cash.

She got off the bench and began walking towards The Beacon when she realised she had left her bag. The victim and her partner saw there was a man who had the rucksack over his shoulder.

They retrieved the bag and the victim saw the zip was open. She looked inside and saw her purse was unzipped. She reported it to the police.

Fleming was identified as being responsible for taking the items from the bag. He was searched and was found to have some Pregabalin and some cash.

He told police he came across the bag, opened the purse and took £30 cash from it. He said he planned to hand the bag in at Tesco. It was his intention to keep the £30.

Fleming said he got the Pregabalin from ‘someone he knows’ in Whitehaven.

Mike Pope, defending, said it was an ‘opportunistic’ offence.

Mr Pope told the court: “He was using illicit drugs. He is recovering with Unity. He is on methadone. He has not touched heroin.

“He is taking all the steps he can to address his issues.”

Fleming, of East Road, Egremont, was fined £333 and ordered to pay £60 costs. An order was made for the forfeiture and destruction of the Pregabalin.