CUMBRIAN beef and sheep farmer Alistair Mackintosh has been recognised for his unique and special contribution to the British farming industry.

Alistair was given the coveted Lifetime Achievement Award, sponsored by leading Cumbrian accountants, David Allen, at a glittering awards ceremony at the Cumbria Farmer Awards 2024, which took place at the Greenhill Hotel, Wigton, on Friday evening.

Alistair farms at Muncaster Home Farm, Ravenglass, where he rents 259 ha (647 acres) of land from the owners of Muncaster Castle, and owns a further 40ha (100 acres).

He took up his post as the new interim chairman of Red Tractor, the UK’s largest and most comprehensive food assurance scheme last month.

On receiving the award, Alistair, said: "I am surprised and humbled to receive the final award of the evening. I had no idea I was receiving this award, until our host Caz started reading out the citation. What a shock."

"It is an extremely challenging period for food and farming and all any of us can do is to keep fighting for a better future for agriculture."

Alistair, who has latterly held the position of National Farmers Union (NFU) Cumbrian Council delegate for a number of years, was appointed to vice chair of Red Tractor, in October 2021. In addition to roles as Chair of the National NFU Livestock Board and Vice Chair of the European farmers’ union Copa-Cogeca, for the last five years Alistair also held the position of Red Tractor sector chair for the beef and lamb board.

During his tenure he has been instrumental in addressing key issues in his sector such as driving up improved animal welfare outcomes with the establishment of annual vet visits to improve the working relationship between vets and members, introducing recommendations for medicine training and promoting the responsible use of antibiotics.

A video was played on the night with words from a number of members of the agricultural world, including David Hall, David Exwood, Jemma Holden, and Mark Jenkinson.