A SMALL village school is celebrating a ‘good’ Ofsted report following a major transformation.

Lowca Community School has undergone a number of improvements to both its building and the curriculum over the last 18 months.

During a short inspection carried out in July 2022, Ofsted hinted that the school may not have kept its good rating, had a full inspection been carried out at that time.

But following a full inspection carried out in May this year, the education watchdog found that ‘swift and effective action’ had been taken to address the weaknesses identified at the previous inspection.

The school, which has only 64 pupils on roll, has been rated ‘good’ across all areas.

The inspection report says: “Pupils are happy at this small, welcoming school. They embrace the school’s values of love, ownership, well-being, collaboration and attitudes to learning.

“Pupils told inspectors that attending this school feels like being ‘part of a big family’.

“The school has high expectations for pupils’ achievement. It has raised the ambition of the curriculum and ensures that pupils benefit from a high quality of education.”

In the last 18 months, the school building has been redecorated and enhanced to be an inviting and stimulating learning environment. Investment has been made in the Early years to improve the provision and extend the school’s offer to include nursery pupils.

The school now has a jungle library and a new kitchen so meals can be cooked in house. Outdoors, pupils enjoy the vast space available including a daily mile running track, forest school area, eco-house and allotment for growing their own healthy fruit and vegetables.

Safeguarding has been a major focus during this time and in a recent survey, 100 per cent of parents said their children felt happy and safe in school.

Another area of development has been on improving attendance and ensuring all pupils have a good start to the day, with a free breakfast, and that they can enjoy a wide range of after school clubs designed around their own interests and talents.

The school has worked hard to improve teaching and learning and ensure high quality and purposeful learning at every opportunity. This has been supported by trips, visitors and experiences to enable pupils to consolidate knowledge and deepen understanding.

Ofsted recognised the effective and robust provision made for pupils with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities and the inclusive learning environment that this created for all pupils.

The school has also heavily invested in wellbeing for both staff and pupils. They have their own school dog called ‘Luna The Lowca Labrador’ who visits regularly as a Therapy Dog and Reading Buddy, spending time with pupils throughout the school.

She joined the school as a puppy and the pupils have helped with her training, learned how to care for her, written stories and songs for her and love her spending time in their classrooms bringing peace and calmness while they work.

To improve further, Ofsted said the school should ensure that teachers have the support they need to deliver the curriculum consistently well so that pupils learn all that they should.

Headteacher Jennifer Walker said: “I am delighted with the grading we have achieved and very proud of the hard work and dedication of all of the staff and pupils in making our vision of ‘Learning to Love; Loving to Learn’ come alive.

“It is fantastic that Ofsted have recognised the transformation of the building and our provision and can see the passion and enthusiasm in everything we do.”