EDUCATION really is one of the most important tools to shape young people’s lives, with some amazing educators right across our county.

This years Education Hero of the Year award sponsored by the University of Cumbria was awarded to an inspirational Carlisle teaching assistant who has changed the lives of many of the young people she has taught throughout her time at the James Rennie School in the city.

Robyn Curry has used her own brand of magic in teaching to support pupils and families across the school community.

Robyn is said to never leave her work at the school gates, providing a constant helping hand to pupils and the wider community of James Rennie through the support she gives families.

She assists many families with their children providing vital rest bite for families whose children are pupils at The James Rennie School.

The Kingstown schools supports pupils from ages 3 to 19 who have severe or profound learning disabilities and live in the North of Cumbria.

Robyn’s nominator said: “Robyn Curry has worked with my child and takes him out for rest bite, we haven’t had the best couple of years he’s been I’ll we lost granny the list goes on, but she is always there to help/

“He hasn’t eaten since he was 3, Robyn has him taking a taste of things, she has him walking she is a godsent to me and my children they are all fantastic at James Rennie but over the years she has worked with my child they have such a fantastic bond and not just with my special boy she deserves to be noticed for this.”

The teacher was ‘incredibly appreciative to receive the prestigious Pride of Cumbria award, saying that she was shocked to have won an accolade for a job she loves so much.

Robyn said she was very appreciative to her nominator for putting her up for the special award.

Speaking from Energus after receiving the award, Robyn said: “I’m really shocked to be honest I really didn’t expect to win this, but yeah, I am incredibly happy and incredibly appreciative especially to the person that nominated me.

“I just want to give a quick shout out as well to the girls that I work with and the team that I work with and the pupils that I work with because I really couldn’t have done it without James Rennie and the support that they have given me.

“I absolutely love my job at James Rennie, and I really wouldn’t want to work anywhere else it’s just brilliant.”

Runners up in the category were Tracy Stainton and the Physiotherapy Tutors at the University of Cumbria.